Are you looking for eager clients with money to invest?

Whilst some Russians have substantial investments abroad, there is massive expansion in a new section of Russians with growing disposable income who need to be informed and educated on the advantages of purchasing International investments.
A professional platform to meet Russia's growing number of wealthy clientsThe Moscow Overseas Property & Investment Show is a specially designed exhibition to suit the Russian mentality. Many sensible Russians are not eager to advertise their wealth and would not be comfortable visiting a large, 'public' exhibition, however a professional Investment Show in a refined, boutique style atmosphere is most suitable.
If you offer investment products and would like to make face to face contact with qualified Russian investors, then investing in the Moscow Overseas Property & Investment Show will be the best investment that you make in 2024.
The advantages are many:
- Choice of pricing options
- Affluent clients are more relaxed in a controlled atmosphere
- A calm show atmosphere for one to one meetings
- Pay bar. Drinks and refreshments instantly available
- Excellent restaurants nearby for entertaining prospective buyers
- A professional exhibition address to use during your visit
The purpose of this specialised show is to enable International Suppliers to meet and to make direct contact with a select number of affluent Russian clients who either have some knowledge of International investment opportunities or who are looking for comprehensive information on worldwide investment possibilities.